Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Touch My Body

Mariah Carey's new album is called E=MC2. Like, seriously?

Anyway, her first song is already released and it's called Touch My Body. Honestly, it kind of isn't so good. Eh.

Anyway, had BMic lab test and I nearly died. Ok I'm exaggerating, there was just a small fire incident which happened because this girl switched on the wrong gas tap for the Bunsen Burner, and instead of gassing up the Bunsen Burner, she gassed up the area around her and when she lit up the lighter the whole area like, kind of exploded! Ok I'm exaggerating, but there was fire, kind of like a flamethrower. And I was sitting right behind her!! Like I could feel the heat. And I admit I was so freaking scared that like, the whole room might explode. So in the end the gas was switched off and everything was alright. OMG I couldn't stop laughing for some reason. I was traumatized yet I was laughing like crazy despite the fact that she could have been burnt alive!