My exams are finally fricking over!!! I'm so exhausted, I wanna go to sleep for a whole 24 hours. I've been studying like a crazy madman over the past week. And to think that the exams are only 40% of the whole module. I haven't even watched the season premiere of ANTM, which kind of premiered last Thursday. Boo!
BTW I had Maths just now. My calculator was kind of iffy before the exams because the screen was kind of fading, so the battery's dying. So I thought, hey it's only 2 hours. OMG during the exam my calculator seemed moody and didn't really cooperate with me. It died at some points, then it came alive so I had to glance at my calculator every so often to see if it's alive or not. It was crazy! But I managed to finish off the paper. Yay!
So anyway, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to watch Juno after the exams. Yay! Finally watched it! Ok, here's the thing about the movie. Amazing script. Brilliant acting. The only problem I had about the movie was the parents' reaction to their daughter telling them she's pregnant. It's like, "Oh I thought she'd be a druggie before she's pregnant." And how they're so cool with it. But I totally loved the part where she was told that her baby had nails. Loved the movie, but honestly it's kind of weird that the movie is nominated for Best Picture.
Anyway, watched the Oscars. Hooray for Julie Christie not winning the Oscar. Instead that French woman won Best Actress and her speech was genuine. Crazy-haircut-guy-with-air-bolt-weapon-thingy won Best Supporting Actor. Yay! Some lady called Tilda Swinton won Best Supporting Actress. Boo!! I wanted Cate Blanchett to win. She mentioned that she's giving the statue to her agent or something. What utter bullcrap. Daniel Day-Lewis won Best Actor. Eh. Juno won Best Original Screenplay. Yay! And the writer used to be a stripper. Ha! No Country For Old Men won Best Director and Best Picture. Meh.
My brother met with a motor accident on like, during one of the exam days. He dislocated his wrist and glass went into his arm. It's really like, a fucked up thing going on.
Anyway, it wasn't his fault. Some driver U-turned from the left lane, and he was on the right lane, and the road doesn't have a barrier, so he's not supposed to U-turn. I think he has to pay my brother for physical, emotional, mental and psychological damage. I'm secretly jealous that he's gonna get like, $10000. But then again, dislocated hand.
I could've done so much with $2000, and you just blew it off.
It's crazy, isn't it?
Ok whatever! I'm going to sleep! I have a major headache and haven't slept in days! Ok I'm exaggerating. My hair is so so disgusting.