But then they didn't show Adrianne at all!! Like, when they were talking about Cycle 1, they practically made Adrianne disappear! So Tyra's kind of like the model version of the mafia. Don't mess with her! Even in Elyse's so-called "full confessional", they edited out the part where she was bitching about Adrianne! Boo!!
And they didn't show the part where Tyra went crazy over Tiffany. Boo!
But then they kind of showed bonus footage. For example in Cycle 2, where Shandi had sex with the Italian guy, all the girls were making out the guys! It was practically an orgy! and some guy took of Yoanna's belt! Like whoa!
So anyway, here's the new batch of girls from Cycle 10. They're going to be living in New York instead of LA. So yay! I'm gonna rank them from worst to best! Yay!
PS: I totally predicted the final 3 of Cycle 9 before it even started so I am kind of good at these things!
Looks kind of pregnant in this shot. And she totally reminds me of the troll-like being that is Michelle the impetigo-laden wrestler
She looks annoying. Or maybe it's because she looks like Sarah Silverman. And kind of like a female version of Jaslene
She was a C9 castoff. She kind of annoyed me during the castings, but she totally looks butch in a scary way in this photo
It's Coryn if she were a woman! But still, she looks like a tranny, but a pretty one I might add. I blame it on the eyebrows
She looks like those mannequins wearing Little Bo Peep costumes that are supposed to be cute but end up being freakishly scary
Is she Muslim? Does her father consider modelling as prostitution? But anyway, I totally wish she could win, but I know she can't for several reasons