Friday, March 06, 2009

Didn't This Blog Die?

I have to reactivate this blog.


Kate Winslet won Best Actress! YAY!!!! I was happy with most of the main awards this year. Unlike last year, where Cate Blanchett should've won Best Supporting Actress. She obviously didn't win because she recently won it for The Aviator. And yay! Sean Penn won Best Actor again! I was thinking they wouldn't give him another since he recently won for Mystic River.

The latest season of ANTM seriously sucks! Surprisingly, I'm not excited about ANTM anymore. I guess the novelty has died. Also, they have totally jumped the shark. Every fucking contestant has some sob story about them. Ohh I was burnt as a child! Ohh I have epilepsy!! Ohhh my baby daughter died in my arms!! Ohhhhh a dingo ate my baby!!!! Ohhhhhh the Nazis took my daughter!!!!!

Also, the lady who was a burnt victim had burn scars on her stomach and arms. It didn't look that bad, but what was bad was her body! She looked untoned as hell! And then she kept on crying about how the fashion industry thinks that her scars are ugly and she just wants to show her scars for the world to see. Lady, can't you see that the fashion industry will not tolerate those scars. Like, just go on a Dove commercial already!

Arrested Development is funny as hell! Watching the last few episodes was like, watching a phoenix die. They obviously knew that they were going to be cancelled, so they had this episode that kind of made of of how they can save the company and it was like, "How do you save this show?" And they made the last few seconds of the episode "Live"! HAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!! OMG!!!

And the last episode was such a tease!

I now know the reason why Arrested Development was not popular. It's like a comedy version of Lost. You have to watch the first episode to go through the whole series.