Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Girls Are 1940s Pin-Ups

And when you thought that Tyra was crazy already, she comes up with a photoshoot where they put Vaseline on their hair! Hooray for Vaseline!

Kyle! Gone! I'm so sad! And it's all stupid Bre's fault. I'm sorry but in the club she was like, hugging Jayla. Go home, stupid, stupid bitch! Lisa looks like as if she's 30, which isn't surprising. It's like as if she ages a year everyday. But! She tells herself she's beautiful, every single day!

Looks like Channel 5 was lazy to cut the bits where Kim announced that she was a lesbian. She said to the go-see people that her sexuality is unique. And when Ms Jay asked her what she was doing in her 'sissification classes', she said that she tries to date boys. Hehehe! I bet Sarah's all jealous.

And after like, many months, I have just realised that Nicole looks like my auntie!!! And they both complain about everything!

Not much happened yesterday.