Eek! There's some guy on the loose! And he's like, a terrorist. When I heard of it, I was so terrified because I live really close to Changi Prison, and he might just disguise himself as a door-to-door salesman and slash me.
Apparently, yesterday New Paper published different possible disguises. Blonde hair, goatee, glasses, and there was one where they just put shades over his eyes. That's so freaking conspicuous!
Anyway, rented this movie called Annie Hall a couple of days ago and honestly, it is the best romantic comedy movie I have ever seen! Funny thing is that it was made more than 30 years ago! 30!! And it stars this guy called Woody Allen and Diane Keaton when she looks like a free-spirited hippie. And the movie is so brilliant and smart and intelligent! It's so GOOD!!!!!! I wanna buy it! There was this one scene where both Woody Allen and Diane Keaton go to the shrink seperately but are shown at the same time and the shrinks asks how often they have sex. The guy says, "Hardly ever! 3 times a week!" then Diane Keaton says, "Constantly! 3 times a week!"
Hee! And the beginning was so funny because he was talking about his life and there was like a flashback where they showed his class in kindergarten and he was narrating and wondering where all his classmates were. Then they kind of interviewed the classmates and then one of them says, "I'm into leather." HAHAHA!
Anyway, yesterday had to buy a birthday cake for my grandma. The lady at the cake shop gave me a plate of samples of different cakes. They were especially for ME!!! But you know what happened, a bunch of assholes just pushed me away (OK they didn't really) and just took those limited samples that were available. I mean, it's fine if you want to buy the cakes, but they just grabbed a few and just went off. Urgh! They are not yours THEY ARE MINE!!!
I can't wait to eat like a pig during the weekend. Yay!