KFC/Pizza Hut still haven't called me, so I'm assuming that they do not want me. I mean, really? I thought they were really desperate! Urgh!
Got to watch Michael Clayton yesterday. It's kind of confusing about how lawyers kill each other to win their cases. But there was one scene where the bad guy hired assassins to kill one of the lawyers and made it seem like suicide. It was like, so cool yet so disturbing! They killed the guy by injecting air into one of his toes! That's so freaky! I cannot believe Tilda Swinton won Best Supporting Actress! She seemed to have some weird mild Irish accent which was threatening to get out. I cannot believe Cate Blanchett didn't win!
Anyway, Juno is kind of a bad movie, because it sends a message that it's OK if you're knocked up at the age of 16, because you're gonna trigger hormones that will make you witty, sarcastic and loveable. Seriously, there was a pregnant teenager sitting across me yesterday and I immediately thought, "JUNO!" And I was assuming that she's witty and charming and stuff and call her baby a sea monkey and drive toy cars across her belly. But in actual fact she just looked like death.
I'm kind of following American Idol. My current favourites are that Brooke White, the one who sang Love Is A Battlefield and the Irish girl who sang I Drove All Night. I seriously don't see what's so great about that David Archuleta. His vocal range is soooo limited! And he keeps on licking his lips.
Ok I need to barf.