Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Gimme More

Oh mah word! I heard Britney's new song called Gimme More (Youtube it) and I have to admit, it's actually kind of nice. I was thinking about how nice the song was until this image of a bald angry woman attacking a car with an umbrella came into my head. Even though the song is nice, the album name won't be that nice. I mean, imagine:

Song: Gimme More
Artist: Britney Spears
Album: OMG Is Lindsay Lohan Like Okay Like

Anyway, I killed a snail last night!! OMG I was so saddened and it was snailslaughter. It was smack in the middle of the path and I didn't look and I heard a crunching noise and realised that I stepped on a snail! I was so depressed for some reason! And the weird thing is that I wasn't depressed over the fact that my flip-flops had a bit of slime. Hey, I have a heart!

After that watched Brothers & Sisters! It's kind of good. Okay, maybe it sucks a little because there's nothing left on TV, except ANTM (WOOT!!). Anyway, the main storyline was that Druggie was called back by the army to go back to the Iraq (perhaps to give away maps to civilians and to educate them of the location of USA) and Druggie doesn't want to go because he's seen enough! So he plans to escape to Mexico with a fake passport. Also, Druggie's back on drugs and his family found that he OD-ed at his apartment. And somehow this show is becoming like Lost. Lots of flashbacks! So apparently, Ally McBeal was in NYC when Sept. 11 happened and really, I totally didn't get what actually happened! Was she in the twin towers? Was she like, having breakfast at some bistro when it happened? Was she in the plane that crashed into the towers? Did she have a near-death experience? Seriously! She kept on rambling on about how she saw her grandparents or something and the flight attendant told her to buckle up or something and she was walking along the pathway and everybody was in ashes. I dunno! So apparently, Druggie wanted to enlist to the army in the first place because he didn't want anything else happen to Ally McBeal and/or the rest of the family!

And then there was another storyline where the family business is in major debt and Dead Dad had a secret account that needed a password to crack. So if they cracked the code, they would be able to save their asses, but they hired a forensic accountants to try to crack codes with names and favourite colours and pet names! Guess what the password was? The intials of the childrens (including the bastard child Rebecca)!! Ok, firstly, I thought that passwords were encouraged to be like, initials and combinations of numbers and letters?! Even I could have thought of that!

Oh and no Gay's storyline. Only got a minute of it, which was totally choppy! And I cannot believe we're missing out on this when Stepmother's (who was previously known as "My-Daughter-Is-Diabetic") stepson said "fag"! How dare they not show us the storyline!

Oh and Heroes is coming on Channel 5 in November! It's just too little too late!

RIP: Snail