Got the student handbook. Opened it. Saw Ryan's face on the first page. Speechless.
The format is nice but the printing kind of sucked. I just said that phrase and the whole world is against me. Well, the handbook has like one-page photos and you can't really see the people's faces. I mean, they could just greyscale the photo right? Or have another better printing company to do it. That's why I was PMSy during Maths. Also it's because of my stupid ulcer. It's like, the biggest ulcer I've ever had... EVER! I hate this.
Oh Btw, my 'O' Levels is one day after my birthday (OCTOBER 29). I don't want presents but at least wish me happy birthday. That would be sweet, because nobody really wishes me happy birthday. Sad, but true.
So put my birthday (29 OCTOBER) on your handbook, even if you hate me. Thanks. I'll try to remember your birthday.