I hate Lisa and Coryn in this episode. Both of them sucked eggs! Coryn called Lisa an alcoholic bitch which was really rude. Grow up, Coryn! Lisa's gone nuts and is now best friends with Cousin It. Jayla tried to act like Elyse, which was a really bad impersonation. Nik was as orange as ever in the photo. Kyle and Nicole were totally boring when they were hosting that countdown. Bre sucked, as usual. Kim's a lesbian. And eventually, they got rid of the man (Coryn).
My father was schocked when Coryn called Lisa an alcoholic bitch. I'm even shocked that they're going tomorrow.
My cousin has ajaked me to go watch a movie. And I thought like, we would be going to Memoirs of a Geisha or something, but instead, she wants to go to this unknown foreign movie called La Journey or something like that. Seriously, I'd rather watch my hair grow.
As my homepage is Yahoo, I saw a headline which said "Model Kate Moss plans tell-all memoir". And they have a picture of her with her weird crazy eyes to prove that she's weird. I think it's going to be called "Memoirs of a Cocaine-Snorting Supermodel". And she's going to have her face on the cover snorting coke. I dunno. That's my assumption.