Showed my mother the handphone that I intended to buy when I'm rich and famous. She looked at it and said that no way in hell am I going to get a cellphone that good because she's going to force me to buy a cheaper handphone. At that moment, something was thrown out of a moving vehicle and was steamrolled by an army tank three times. That, my fellow readers, is my dreams. After my O Levels I am so going to get a job. Maybe get $500 a month, and by early next year, I will get my handphone.
I have just realised that Christmas is on Sunday, which means that New Years Day is exactly next week after Christmas, which means that school starts exactly in two weeks. So, I read through my Biology textbook and I have realised that I still have a couple of holiday assignments to do. If only I had an organizer! And I have realised that I have not really been using my brain during these two months. I heard of this research that if you don't use your brains, you'll go stupider. And I think I have. Now I think I have no hope in passing my O Levels. I'll have to make do with my unchargable phone! Aarrgghh!
It's really funny that I'm taking the same O Level papers as my brother's girlfriend. She's one year older than me, just that she's in Normal Academic. My parents joked that maybe we could have a group study. Umm... no thanks. She's the girlfriend of a boy who accused his brother by calling him a drag queen. No thank you. I'm sure she's nice and all, but no thanks.
One more day to Top Model. But it's only the auditions. So it's one more week and one more day to Top Model.