Wednesday, November 16, 2005

My Balcony Blowout


My uncle just had to invite our family to their house tomorrow night, which is 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' night. I don't care. I'm going! I'm sure my brother's not going because he works 24/7 and sleeps during his spare time. He sure is utilizing every bit of his life, ain't he?

Well, tomorrow, when nobody's at home, I'm gonna go to the balcony and SCREAM!!! I think it would make me more calm. Or I can just eat chocolate, but still, I want to save some money. Seriously, this is so retarded, of all the days my uncle could pick to invite us, he chose tomorrow. Who wants to go out visiting on a Thursday night? I mean, we have to prepare for school (for the primary school kids) and work and stupid dumb apprentice shit. I haven't even told my mother about my Harry Potter outing. She still doesn't know that I'm judging for our school's fashion show. Omg I'm a rebellious child! Noooooooo!