Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My Bad News

Kyle passed away peacefully on Tuesday morning. He will be sadly missed by my family. I buried him in the morning at the patch of soil near the plants. He was so stiff. Poor thing. I hope it rests peacefully.

The worst thing is that people are calling me a murderer. Why would I murder an innocent kitten? I tried to help the kitten. Now I keep thinking that I'm a murderer. When I told my mother about it, she said that the kitten was not suffering anymore and is now in a better place. Then, my mother's friend said that the bottle's pacifier was too hard for a newborn and that a sponge would have been better. Kyle was less than a week's old. Poor thing.

Well, I'm sad that Kyle died, but I'm not the emotional type that cries in front of everyone and all that. You know how sociopaths don't feel emotion and that's why they can kill people? Only I never killed anybody... yet.

Why the hell is nobody tagging on my blog?! I really need some comforting and you all just leave me all alone without any words of comfort and let me die.