Anyway, I saw the tallest guy I have ever seen!! Like, he might be as tall as Yao Ming!! He was this Caucasian guy who was in Mustafa Centre and he was like, 7 feet tall. Everybody was like, looking up at him macam jakun and were all amazed/disgusted like as if he was the Elephant Man or something.
Where the hell did my money go? Sigh.
Ever since the beginning of puasa, this guy keeps on calling me every 2 or 3 days. The first couple of times I would tell him he has the wrong number. Then usually when he calls, I would just ignore his call. The freaky thing is that his number is very similar to mine. And then I got fed up and confronted him and he was explaining that last time his friend had my new number. And I was like "Fine." And he kind of apologized and I kind of felt a little bad because I was kind of mean to him. So since then I didn't get a call from him, until freaking today. Like, what? Are you that fucking stupid to not use the phonebook menu? Or is your handphone those that look like a humungous cordless phone? Seriously, if he calls me one more time I am so going to call his phone in the middle of the night. I mean, they can't trace calls right? It's not against the law to call somebody only to 'realise' that it's the wrong number, right? Urgh!
Anyway, I was reading somewhere that during the elections, there is gonna be a portion of those who surveyed that they are going to vote for Obama will vote for McCain in the poll booths because they are anonymous racists and would only support Obama publicly because they don't want to be seen as racist. And seriously, watch this.
That is just sad. I mean, if McCain wins, and later dies or something because he is like, old as hell, Sarah Palin will be the first woman president. HAHAHA!!! It's like a comedy. But a sad one.