This week's challenge was so stupid as hell. It was about making baggy outfits fit by putting stuff inside it or clipping by the back to make it work for a photoshoot. Like, are they serious? And it's so weird because I kind of did this for Hari Raya (which was before this episode aired) because my pants were huge.
Anyway, Marjorie started to annoy me with her nervousness and her "negativity". And she cries in front of Paulina.
And Paulina explains that in Europe, everybody is negative. Are they serious? I mean, I've watched Life Is Beautiful. I don't buy it. I mean, I kind of believe that most Russians and former Soviet people are angry and not the nicest people, but French people? What?
Back at home, it's the people vs. Marjorie. I have to admit this season's storyline is kind of lame. Bring back Isis and have a nude photoshoot!!
This week's photoshoot was also lame. They were supposed to portray natural disasters.Poor Lauren Brie. Still no confessionals. Her editing is worse than Nicole C3's! Seriously. I feel sorry for her. You know she's at home thinking "Hey! They told me I have good photos, so obviously, I'm gonna be featured a lot!" And then she invited like, her grandmother and relatives from overseas to have a party and watch ANTM, but then the grandmother's like, "Where the fuck were you?"
I have to admit, I have lost 99% of my love for Sheena. She's now becoming like Lauren Brie - no confessionals. And the thing is that the only thing that's saving her was her personality. And she looks like Eva Longoria... Parker... in Desperate Housewives... Season 5.
Anyway, Clark's gone, which was a surprise, because I thought that Joslyn and Marjorie were for sure gonna end up in the bottom two. I guess now that Isis is gone, there's no one else to spew acid on, so now she is of no use to ratings. The funny thing is that both her and Isis were wearing tiaras during their final confession. I guess tiaras are made to distract people from the wearer's masculine features.