Friday, January 02, 2009

Sialan Phenobarbitol

What I consumed today:

10.45: Ice Mountain water (bought)
11.05: 2 Hello Panda buscuits (chocolate flavoured)
1.00: A tic-tac (orange flavoured)
5.00: Six pieces of those chicken wrapped in seaweed
5.05: A tic-tac (mint-flavoured)

And it's currently 9.15. I'm soooo lapar lah! And my mother cooked that pucuk ubi in lemak thingy which is totally not my cup of tea. So I'm just gonna good old nasi and telur.

Anyway, fuck you Bpharm! The powerpoint is done! So now what's left is the presentation on Thursday.

Ok aku nak makan, rehat den tidur! OMG I sound like a mat.