I seriously thought that this week would be an amazing week. I was wrong.
Tuesday: Had school from 9 to 6. Then had to rush to work. Worked until 11. Picked up KFC order for training and got to eat KFC.
Wednesday: Wasn't supposed to have any lessons, but I had to attend a lecture I had not gone to earlier this week. I have never skipped a lecture. Yay! Well, actually lecture finished at 11 but met up with a few people and went to TM. Was supposed to work from 5-11, so I was thinking that I'd just go straight from there, but then realised that I had worn slippers, so had to rush back home, wear shoes, rush to work. Found out that I had to freaking work on Labour Day from 11am-11pm. Seriously, they didn't even consult me or anything! Today was supposed to have training and they're supposed to have Pizza Hut, so I was totally looking forward eating the pizza. Then Abang Jas asked me, "Nak ambik Pizza Hut order?" and I was on the line so I just nodded my head. Then when I got off the line, I went to Abang Jas and he was like, "Ok, come with me and sit with all the Pizza Hut people." And I'm like, WTF!!!!
Pizza Hut now has this new One System where it's so freaking confusing! Like, why would they want to change something that's already fine in the first place?! And the worst part was the fact that Pizza Hut practically has over 50 queue calls for like, a period of 2 hours. And KFC has none! Maybe less than 10 lah, at any time. I was so pissed off lah I didn't really bother with the orders. Apparently, there wasn't any training. So I was so paisehed lah.
Thursday: Hell day! Had to do Pizza Hut most of the time. Queue Calls was hovering over 100. One time it was 130 lah! And the Pizza Hut Enquiry had like, 13 people waiting, and the first in line was waiting for half an hour. Yes. 30 freaking minutes! And the stupid fact is that KFC didn't even have Queue Calls. Like, ZILCH!! And it's freaking Labour Day siah! And I seriously wasted my energy bringing my book to work. I was so stressed out lah! I mean, now I know why some of the supervisors and managers are all crazy.
OMG Mariah Carey's now married to Nick Cannon. It's so weird. I mean, isn't he the guy from All That?
Urgh! So many things! So little time! It's a good thing I'm actually quitting. I'd be dead if I continued working.