Monday, May 12, 2008

ANTM Recap: Knockoffs Of Iman, Anna Nicole Smith & Celine Dion = Fierce!

[Tyra Voice]: Previously on America's Next Top Model, that woman whose name we can't pronounce got eliminated. Three girls and one man remain! WHO will be eliminated tonight?

So anyway, Dominique's out!!! Yay!!!! Finally Tyra has done what she should've done on week 1! Yay! Yay! Yay!
She really does look like a drag queen! Even Paulina was like, "I'm sorry, that's a transvestite!"

And Tyra told Dominique that she needs to master her face. Does Tyra even think that she can make it in the modelling industry? I mean, even rocket scientists couldn't master that face!

And seriously, her pictures were just ranging from bad to mediocre! I don't know why she made it so far! I mean, it's fine if they keep her for a while, but she actually outlasted freaking Lauren! Boo! See, now Lauren's gonna cut her wrists while listening to Avril Lavigne, because she's just so hardcore!

Bye Bye Dominique! I never liked you! At least Jade was entertaining. You will never be the next Jade.

So that means that next week is the finale!!!! YAY!!! I mean, I have to admit I kind of like all three for different reasons.

Anya: I really think she's the most high-fashion and has the most potential. And she's really really sweet! Kind of like Natasha!

Whitney: I totally underestimated this girl. I thought that she'd just be in the competition just because she's a fatty. And she's in the final 3!! Woot! Yeah, she's kind of like a bitch. But don't call her racist!! I kind of want her to win just so that it will be kind of like, a huge deal! Lipids are in! Bulimia is out!

Fatima: I kind of knew she was gonna get far. But the thing with her is that her photos are inconsistent. But I still like her for wondering why Dominique is still there. She was a bitch in the beginning, but she's actually kind of endearing.