Uneventful day! Anyways, I think my joke is supremely funny! HAHAHA! Sometimes I burst into laughter whenever I am reminded of my joke! Hahahah!
Ugh! What is wrong with Singapore? I mean, nearly all of Singaporeans are like, snobbish, self-centred, rude, inconsiderate and just plain stupid! They seriously do not think of others. Today I took 12 and the top deck was filled up to the brim, so packed that this stupid dumb secondary school boy stood on the steps. Then, this person from the window seat went down to alight. But guess what? THE MAN SITTING AT THE AISLE SEAT DIDN'T MOVE IN! What an asshole! And he had the audacity to stare at the boy standing on the steps. And when you think it doesn't get any stupider, THE BOY DIDN'T MOVE IN! HE JUST STOOD ON THE STEPS! I'm so pissed off. Why don't you people have common sense?
On a lighter note, today's PE was dead boring. All the failures had to retake and the passers could do anything they want. So, we played Captains Ball. It wasn't as fun as last time, probably because there weren't many people.
Anyway, Bio was really fun! We were doing on genetics and Ms Woon asked people if they had droopy earlobes and widow's peaks or hitch-hiking thumbs. It's like, those thumbs that can bend outwards. Anyway, some couldn't do it and I could do it, very well. Everybody saw it and got grossed out for some unexplained reason. Seriously, I have a habit of bending my thumb outwards. I think I'm flexible.