Monday, July 24, 2006

My Blonde Jokes

Blonde jokes!!!!

She's so blonde she got excited when she finished a jigsaw puzzle in one year when the box says 2-4 years.
She's so blonde she died of starvation when she got locked inside a grocery store.
She's so blonde she was stabbed in a shootout.
and more coming soon...

Anyway, the whole class went crazy during SMT. We made up a game and it's called "How Long Can You Stare At Zia Hakim Without Laughing". It's really fun. I nearly died of laughing.

Now I know what A Public Affair sounds like! It's called Holiday by Madonna! Anyway, her video is crazy! She kind of flirts with all the boys since she's already divorced. It's so funny how after the divorce, that Nick Lachey is all crying and singing "What's Left Of Me" while Jessica Simpson is at roller-ama behaving promiscuously. Oh, and Eva Longoria's in the video!