Sunday, July 16, 2006

My Parent-Teacher Talk

Yo! Finally! Yes! My life is becoming better (I hope). After so much suffering, I finally found a rainbow! Ok, whatever that means. Anyway, I got new speakers! Yup, and its bass speaker is really powerful. I totally hate my RC (resident's committee). Yesterday, they had this stupid "Durian Party" under my block and somehow, drunks karaoke during a Durian Party. Like, SHUT UP! Their voices suck!

Anyway, I followed my mother to school for the TMP session. I showed her The Girl Who Got Totally Overdramatic In Front Of The Whole School With Her Fake Accent aka Yuhanis. Then, went to the hall. Guess who was there? Ruiqi... only! Then, a couple of my classmates came also. Yes, I thought that my classmates were following their parents to school. Such unfillial people! Haha, joking (partially). Anyway, my mother said that Ms Neo's five-inch heels could kill a kitten. Ha! MY MOTHER TALKED TO MS WOON WITH AN ACCENT!! Well, not as bad as Barbara's cockney accent. She needs to start speaking to strangers in Singlish. Ms Woon actually said nice things about me, but then said that I was "too neat". Then, my mother talked about Mr Eng and Ms Woon just looked at the floor and smiled and said that every year it's like that. EVERY YEAR????!!! WTF!! So he's not going for retraining? But then my mother understood how it feels because Ms Woon is Mr Eng's colleague. Wow, how weird. Ms Woon's boss is Mrs Ong. Haha! Ms Woon has a boss. Then, when we were exiting the hall, my mother recognised Mdm Sharifah! I think I might be related to her!!!

Then, at night my family visited my grandmother because she's going to go for an eye cataract surgery. I blame aerosol cans, foam packaging, air-cons, and fridges for that. Oh and when we were at the void deck, we saw like, so many people attended the Durian Party. At least my family is sane enough to attend no Durian Party.