Today I almost met the Grim Reaper. I nearly choked on a pill.
Well, it all started this morning when I woke up. Blah blah blah and it's 6.15. I was late and quickly ate my Vitamin B-Complex pill which makes you awake. But I was in such a hurry that I choked on it. I quickly went to the sink and coughed and coughed and guess what? It was stuck in my oesophagus! Stuck there horizontally and it can't get in or out! It was stuck and it was so irritating. I nearly cried and just wanted to ponteng school. I thought that I would be rushed to the emergency room and the doctor would have to cut my oesophagus and take the pill out surgically, but I still went to school. I was so suffering during the one hour. I had to withstand the immense pain and your throat would really hurt if you swallow your saliva and you can't turn your head to the left or right or it will hurt. I was literally suffering in silence. When I alighted the bus, I just went to the Western food stall and ordered a cup of milo. Everyone was staring at me and my mother called and told me to drink water heavily. I drank like hell and yay! It went down! Everyone was cheering for me like as if it was my birthday.
Ahhh... pills.