Monday, April 07, 2008

ANTM Recap: Missing Teeth = Fierce!

Yay! A new recap! Once again, go away if you don't wanna be spoiled! But if you wanna see something different, just look at the first picture!

[Tyra Voice]: Previously, on America's Next Top Model, Dominique is still in the competition despite the fact that she looks like an 80-year-old transvestite hooker, and kind of acts like one too. Poor Aimee's gone, despite the fact that she takes great pictures. Who will be eliminated tonight?

First of all, I'd just like to say OH MY GOD!!!!

This was actually during the group challenge when Dominique's group won and then the whole group was hugging and all of a sudden, the empty slot where the tooth was supposed to be just caught my eye. I dunno, but for some reason, I kind of felt sad, because this is a modelling competition and appearance obviously matters. I seriously hope they cut her before a Covergirl commercial photoshoot because they're gonna bring that up and I kind of hope they don't and just cut her for being a hag who takes mediocre pictures. Also, there might be a possibility that this is a result of crystal meth. I mean, she looks twice her age (23). And seriously this moment made me sad just like how I was depressed after watching Requiem For A Dream.

So anyway, Lauren totally looks like crap in person. I'm liking her less now. Last week she proclaimed that she has never heard of a Britney Spears song. I'm sorry, does she watch television? I mean, Come On! And she was saying that she avoids mainstream music. See, when she says "avoids", it kind makes me think that she's trying too hard to be different.

This week proves that Lauren does have a potty mouth. She had a row with Fatima (who else?) and apparently, threw away Fatima's coffee and so had to make coffee for Fatima also.

Funny how throughout the whole time Lauren curses and gives the finger to Fatima, she's making a nice cup of coffee for her. And I love Fatima's calmness.

So this week was Go-Sees week and Whitney was told that she was a fatty and the designers don't want a morbidly obese woman to walk on the runway. And Dominique says that she doesn't see Whitney winning the competition. Umm... Look in the mirror, Dominique. You ain't no Gisele Bundchen.

The Tyra Mail seriously annoys me! It's like a marquee thing so all the girls read it aloud like in primary school when the teacher tells the whole class to read a passage aloud.

Anya rocks. What's new?

Anya mentioned that Mr Jay looked like a silver robot. Hahahah!!!! More like an orange Oompa Loompa.

Katarzyna gets a new haircut. I dunno, she now kind of looks like Juliet Binoche, that woman from Dan In Real Life. And also, the judges were kind of mean to her. Paulina said that finally she doesn't have the Eastern European tackiness. Ms Jay called her Neutrogena and Tyra still can't pronounce her name, so she decided to call her Neutrogena too. Man. And also, she's becoming like, the favourites. But I still don't like her for some reason. She's kind of boring.

Dominique's photo kind of sucked. But apparently the judges loved it, claiming it looks like an orgasm. Umm... Yeah.

So this leads me to a montage of Dominique, who has a 1/7 chance to becoming America's Next Top Model.

And seriously, what the eff is she wearing to judging? Is she trying to show her penis? And Nigel actually said that she looks like she styled her hair with semen. Oh the professionalism that is America's Next Top Model.

Fatima finally has a good picture. But the neck kind of bugs me, she looks like those people from Thailand with giraffe necks.

Anya's photo was amazing!! Seriously, she looks like a magical creature from Narnia or something. Like those creatures that give the heroes something when they get lost in the woods.

So Claire's gone because she sucks. Thank God! She keeps on complaining about how she misses her baby and stuff. Well, then you shouldn't have come into the competition then. And also, why would you be a model when you have a baby? I don't get it.

So 7 girls remain! I hope they kick off Dominique, please!!! I can't stand her!!!!