Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My Boring Tuesday

Ugh! I'm gonna hate Tuesdays. It's so boring! The first lesson is practical with Mr Eng. He 'discussed' with us the practicals that we did during the holidays. Seriously, he should have a sitcom or something. He told us to do corrections when he hasn't even given us the correct answers! Haha! COMEDY!

Anyway, the only funny thing that happened today was Chem. The whole hour was Mrs Tay talking and talking. It was kind of interesting and funny! She's another one who should have a sitcom. She does exaggerated hand actions.

Malay was OK. We were practicing Orals because our Oral exams are on Thursday (to everyone's shock). I mean, you only to to blabber to some stranger, right? Anyway, I'm going to talk and talk and talk. I might even give them my personal experiences. I'll try to make mine funny so that they'll give me more marks.

Coughed the whole day. Throat feels like there's razors everytime I swallow something.