This morning I bought the Sunday New Paper. And on the cover page, there was this woman in a bikini top or something like that. And then I saw this old chee ko who picked up the newspaper and bought it (he was in front of me in the queue) and he folded the newspaper in half and only her torso was showing and there wasn't much text and he was staring intently at it! What a sick pervert!! And he's like, in his 50s! What a bloody perv!
Anyway, I was watching The Hills yesterday on MTV and was wondering what all the fuss is about. I was watching TRL and they had the cast of The Hills guest starring and everybody was cheering and stuff. So I watched it and it's the most boring thing ever! It's supposed to be some reality show, but it actually looks too good to be reality show. I mean, come on! The dialog seems so scripted! I'm not bothered to explain further the stupidity of the show!
Desperate Housewives finale tomorrow!!!!! I'm actually quite sad about it because after Desperate Housewives, there's not gonna be anything on television I can watch. No ANTM, no Ugly Betty, no DH, no Project Runway! When the hell is Project Runway going to continue?! Oh BTW, The Office IS COMING BACK!!!! Yay!!! They had those previews on Star World and it's coming back in September!
I might be taking French lessons next semester. It's part of some Inter-Disciplinary thingy-majigy thing that we are supposed to take. It's compulsory. The only language based subjects were Japanese and French. I actually wanted to learn Spanish because it's kind of easier than French. And Japanese seems so bloody hard!
BTW there's somebody funny on YouTube!! His name is Rocci and he's a vlogger. Hey, I wanna be one! But then it seems so leceh with the uploading and stuff. Oh and his entries are kind of like stand-up comedy. And it's bloody funny/amusing. Here, watch this, it's his latest post and if you think he's funny, watch his other videos! Oh and he actually responds to all those text comments, which is kind of cool and a bit pathetic.