E Maths P1
Well, had sufficient time. I'm writing faster! Yay for me! Couldn't do 3 questions. I hope I get A1 for E Maths!
Section A was OK. Section B was OK. Section C was difficult! They asked questions like "What is the similarities between lungs and an absorbing surface?" Huh?
There's this stupid song which is stuck in my head! Yes, it's called Showstopper by Danity Kane. Don't ever listen to it! It's the most annoying tune ever! Even if you hate it, it will haunt you. They're like a cheap version of Pussycat Dolls. Seriously, like step Spice Girls.
There was this really crazy girl next to my block. She sounded like Charlene. Then, she was laughing like some maniac on Subutex. Then, this mat shouted from the void deck and said, "SHUT UP LAH! OR ELSE I CALL POLICE!" The laughing didn't stop, so it made me laugh. It's so funny to listen to a crazy old lady laughing.
I cannot focus if something is on my mind. That's my problem. What's yours?