Saturday, January 03, 2009

6 M.O.

I haven't changed my playlist in about 6 months. All the songs are practically basi and have fermented. Why do I have Bossy as my first song? And what the hell happened to Lindsay Lohan and her new album? And the most weirdest thing is that I have that yucky Shake It song! Oh, what horrible taste in music I had back then, six months ago.

I was browsing through my iPod and found out that I only listened once to Janet Jackson's Discipline, so I gave it a shot because I was reading reviews that the album was totally underrated. OMG it's actually good! Why didn't I listen to it last year? Like, already 1 year late. Read: bad taste in music six months ago.

The album is above average, but what bothered me is that there are just 20 second tracks that consist of talking. Kinda like Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, but kental. Seriously, the talking tracks consist of her talking to this robot in her house (ala The Jetsons). And the robot is called Kyoko. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So here's a transcript of one of the tracts:

Janet: (Yawns) Kyoko is that you?
Kyoko: (Ding dong) Yes (Robot sounds)
Janet: Yeah, it's you... Come in
Kyoko: Good morning Ms Janet. How are you feeling today (beeping noise)
Janet: I feel so much better now. Thank you Kyoko
Kyoko: Do you want to talk about it, Ms Janet?
Janet: No. It's time I move on to bigger and better things
Kyoko: (practically makes random computer noises everytime it speaks) I can tell you feel like you still miss him
Janet: No... I mean.. umm.. I don't know. It was incredible while it lasted but I know that I can do so much better

HAHAHAHAHAHA. And there's also another one of these tracks that's sooo funny. It was about how Janet and her girlfriends (read: tranny friends) were at the bathroom of a club and her (tranny) friend told Janet that so many guys are "holla-ing at her" and Janet was like, "Watcha gonna do? I'm too hot". HAHAHAHA!!! It's sooo funny because she looks so horrible in Feedback and the album cover. No offense, but it's true.