Friday, October 26, 2007

American Beauty

Watched the latest episode of ANTM. SPOILER ALERT!!!!

Well anyway, the whole episode was just like a movie. It's because throughout the entire episode, Ebony interviews that she doesn't want to be in the competition anymore because modelling's not her thing and that she's homesick and stuff. Well, that's fine, right? I mean, I really like Ebony now, it's just that Tyra hates her because she has Naomi Campbell's hair. So the final two are Ebony and Ambreal. Ambreal sucks eggs so Tyra gave a picture to Ebony. Then there's like, a moment of awkward silence and Ebony reveals that she doesn't want to continue modelling and wants to leave. And Tyra was giving a sermon about how she hates quitters and how she KNOWS that it's not that Ebony doesn't like modelling, it's just that Ebony hates people telling her what to do! And I was so terrified she might scream at her, like, "What is wrong with you, STOP IT!!!! I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE YELLED AT A GIRL LIKE THIS!!!!! WELL, MAYBE EXCEPT THE PART WHERE I WAS SCREAMING AT TIFFANY!!!!!" but she didn't thank goodness because I totally felt bad for Ebony. Sheesh! She tried modelling, doesn't really like it, so decides to give up her slot for somebody who really wants this badly. Nobody's perfect like you, Tyra!!!

Oh and the ending was like those movies with the home videos from the past. After they showed Ebony's pictures, they showed Ebony's audition video about how much she loves Tyra and tells her that she wants it badly. They seriously broke her.

Oh and Heather won a challenge and was doing a photoshoot with styled by Mary J. Blige and when Heather was hugging her, you could totally see that Mary was like, "Get this crazy bitch off me!!!" Poor Heather.