Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Talk With Ms Woon

This week has been Malaymania. Everything we do is Malay! Or for the Chinese it's Chinese!

Well, thank goodness I didn't sit next to the group of 4S girls during the mock exam. I just sat next to Rui Qi. Poor Sam Tang. He sat at my place. The HCL pupils didn't get their papers during Paper 2 but at least the 4R HCLers were considerate enough. The rest of the school population went crazy and this group of boys went to the toilet as a pack because they're scared they might get raped or something. I guess they have to share urinals. Anyways, I think my Malay has been improving. I'm quite fluent in my writing now.

Well, we had Physics remedial after school and lots of people ponteng because Mr Eng practically spent the hour on the Paper 2 and we already went through the questions. Then, Nani and Izzati had to meet Ms Woon and me and Adam followed them and outside the staff room, Ms Woon was like, "You know what? I would also like to talk to the four of you" and she talked to me because of my Combined Humans which I got F9! Seriously, I need to buck up. I'm gonna have to pester Ms Neo and ask a million questions until she gets a restraining order from me.

I'm going to study non-stop after my Malay O Levels. So, now, I'll just focus on getting my A1 for my Malay.

Oh and I have decided to have a new section in my entries called STFU. Yah, it means Shut The F*** Up. It's kind of like a section where I release my anger so please take no offence when reading STFU, because sometimes I seriously feel that I'm one of the rare few in this world that has morals, ethics, and common sense. Thanks!

Hakimbo's Sub-blog - STFU: You Fucking Drivers!
Well, who is going to be the first victim in my sub-blog? Well, you guessed it, it's DRIVERS! Usually, I wake up early in the morning just to reach school in time, and usually I lag behind because I oversleep. As you probably know, I take a 500 metre route from my house to this bus stop, so I have to cross a zebra crossing and also cross this carpark. [this is the part where I get vulgar] When I'm at the side of the zebra crossing and about to cross the road, these fucking drivers pretend to not fucking see me and just fucking drive past me! Like, what the fuck? The fucking road doesn't belong to you, nor does it belong to your daddy! And you still fucking dare to not signal when you're about to turn! It doesn't take much energy to fucking flick the signaller, you assholes! And how fucking dare you drive so fucking slowly when I'm about to cross the carpark! Can't you see that I'm fucking late?! And what do I get for your fucking lack of speed? I have to give my fucking phone number to the school and humiliate myself at the parade square! I hope you get testicular cancer so that you won't be able to produce any kids who might in turn, become assholes like yourself!

Wow! That was a release in anger! Well, that shows that you can't piss me off, because I might even feature people. Just because I seem innocent and vulnerable, there's a lot of anger building up on me :D.

Sigh. Sec 3s are at Pahang. I bet they're having their times of their lives alone in the long stretch of road, crying for their mommies. Oh the good times.

Malay Translation
Minggu ini adalah Malaymania! Apa kita buat adalah Melayu! Cina pun sama.

Nasib baik aku tidak duduk sebelah si perempuan 4S. Aku duduk sebelah Rui Qi. Kasihan Sam Tang. Dia duduk dekat tempat aku. Pelajar-pelajar HCL tidak dapat kertas mereka bila Paper 2, tetapi mereka daripada kelasku diam sahaja. Selain daripada itu, semua orang telah menjadi gila dan sekumpulan lelaki pergi ke jamban, takut kena rogol. Haha, mereka kena kongsi 'urinal'.

Kita pun ada kelas tambahan Fizik dan banyak orang ponteng. Lepas tu, aku jumpa Ms Woon kerana Combined Humans aku teruk gila. F9!