Sunday, March 12, 2006

My Crazy Phone, Again!

My stupid phone can go and die! Literally! Well, I don't really mean it. I wanna trade it in before it dies. Why?!!!!

Just now, I was doing my Chem homework listen to my beloved MP3 on my phone when suddenly, it just switched off automatically. Then, when I switched it on again, I suddenly received the We Belong Together Remix which Anavil sent to me via Bluetooth on Thursday. THURSDAY! The song was secretly hiding in some secret compartment for like, 3 days! I thought that I didn't receive it so I just forgot about it. WTF?! I think I might have discovered something extraordinary. Oh well, my contract's expiring soon, so might as well get a new phone. Like the 6230i. But then, my brother's phone is that one, so I hope he doesn't assume that I'm a wannabe of him. I have no interest in Parkour where people jump off rooftops in Chai Chee, which my mother agrees is a hobby.

My self-esteem is shrinking as my 'insect bite' (which will be called 'my hump' from now onwards) enlarges! I just can't face the class with it. I mean, it's so awkward. Yesterday, Charlene was staring at my hump and didn't say a word. She was just pretending to be nice. Tomorrow, I shall always glance on the floor like as if it's so interesting and take small steps while walking like geishas like Hidayah. Then, at times, I will glance at men while riding their bikes and they will crash into a pile of boxes.

Ok, I'm lame. I can't wait for Motivation Camp. It sounds like fun because everybody's going to cry, including me. It's going to be like the ANTM 2 episode where they had to picture somebody they hate on a blank piece of paper and tear it up while screaming "I HATE YOU!!!". Then, mucus will flow out of our nostrils. I hope they let us express ourselves in front of everybody. Then, I could show my true talent and sing We Belong Together. Oooohhh! But then, I'm not really too happy with the classes we're going with. 4V is Ok, except for Soh Wei Jie, who will be like, shouting at everybody and putting on a hissyfit once I perform. 4E's Ok too, but they seem very, distant from our class. 4S. Cassandra? Umm... He'll be expressing that he wishes to slaughter me and hang me like a dead duck.

Oh and my mother told me that once my brother (alias Hatsumomo) turns 21 and gets married, everybody will have to move out so that we don't disturb the couple. I was feeling ok about it until I realised that Hatsumomo turns 21 next year! How fast is that! I mean, it only felt like, a year ago when me and my brothers were childishly wasting money on crappy Pokemon cards! And I don't wanna move out! My home is like a sanctuary. I'd like to have it and keep it once I'm 21. If I have the money, I'll renovate it into like, this Zen Garden where you can meditate in it. Yoga enthusiasts will be envious of me! Did you hear that? That is the sound of a mirror shattering. That is the sound of my dreams shattering.

Ok, I'm being a bit overdramatic. I could just buy an apartment on top of my current apartment. Haha. Anyway, speaking of yoga, I wanna learn yoga! Sounds like fun, twisting your body like a pretzel...