Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Girl With The Disclaimer

It's like, raining like shit. And I don't mean that as a literal statement. Did this physical test and just wanted to die. Seriously!

Anyway, last night's episode was really boring because they never showed the parts where Kim and Sarah made out under the blankets. I mean it! Seriously!

Wasn't a huge fan of Sarah. Cassandra went home and everyone celebrated. Tyra and Wendy Pepper teamed up to make the most diabolical plan in the fashion industry. Tyra instructed Wendy to make for Sarah the glitzy gown and the huge headdress that Vegas showgirls wear and Wendy orders Sue Wong to make Sarah wear it or else her daughter's going to send to Sue Wong lots and lots of paintings. Of course, Sue Wong didn't decline the offer.

Kim's proof that she really is a lesbian.

Kim: I'm a lesbian!
Sarah:Oh I'll make out with you anytime!

And they did...

Awww... this is so cute. Eating breakfast together...

...After a night of making out under the blankies.

Kyle's sad that they were torn apart from Tyra the Evil Bitch.

Meanwhile, Tyra shows off her fats in front of the whole world.

Spot the difference!

1, 2, 3... BAM!

1, 2, 3... BAM! Practise it in the mirror. It's really fun!