I couldn't sleep last night because that stupid pregnant woman from Lost keeps on screaming and screaming. I hope she has a miscarriage and dies. Pregnant women aren't supposed to wander around a beach only to find some dumb polar bear. Lost is so confusing. Even I could come up with a better script. All I need is a couple of people and tell their stories on how they got on that stupid plane.
CIKGU NORA READS MY BLOG!!! It's official! Well, I quote from the entry 'My Math Teacher';
'I didn't really study. I was busy doing Cikgu Nora's never-ending worksheet.' Then today, she told us to take out the worksheet and said that we needed to go through it. Then she remarked that it was a never-ending worksheet! Shit! I should not comment on ANYTHING from now on. It's just too risky.
Today was kind of funny. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I just saw something hilarious and it's really really funny. Well, after mosque, I took 10. Then, I alighted at the Fire Station to catch either 9 or 17. There was this guy in around his late 20s and he was wearing a jubah or a long robe or whatever it's called. When he alighted, he suddenly fell forwards. I was so shocked!! Haha!! Well, I felt really bad and helped him out. I just wanted to laugh my head off!!! But he was so rude. He kept on checking out his bruises in front of me. Can't he do that when he gets home?